School of Adult & Continuing Education
Master of Education
The Education Department at Lincoln University, dedicated to becoming the preeminent provider of teachers and education leaders in the greater Delaware Valley, is committed to educating and empowering future educators to lead their communities and change the world.
We achieve this by:
- Offering a rigorous and comprehensive education curriculum that emphasizes active and collaborative learning experiences.
- Integrating academic and co-curricular programs with Lincoln University's distinctive legacy of global engagement, social responsibility, and leadership development.
- Fostering the character, values, and standards of excellence necessary for students to become responsible and influential educators and citizens in a global community.
Educational Leadership
Lincoln University’s Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree in Educational Leadership/Principal Certification Program is designed to prepare qualified and effective K-12 school administrators and instructional leaders, produce effective K-12 school principals who can also serve as positive change agents in the community, and develop school leaders with the necessary skills and capacity to improve student learning based upon research, assessment and the implementation of best practices. The Educational Leadership program was developed in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s framework and guidelines for principal preparation programs. Candidates have the option of earning an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership (non-certification track) or an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership with Principal Certification (certification track).
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Program Detail
SCHEDULE: Weeknight Evenings
LENGTH: 4 Semesters OR 5 Semesters (Certification)
PROGRAM CREDITS: 36 Credits OR 42 Credits (Certification)
TRACK: Certification and Non-Certification
ENROLLMENT CYCLES: Fall (August) and Spring (January)
APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 15 (Fall) and November 15 (Spring)
- EDU 631: Human Resources Management in Education
- EDU 632: Ethics in Educational Leadership and Practices
- EDU 634: School Law
- EDU 636: K-12 Educational Administration
- EDU 638: Curriculum Design and Instructional Improvement
- EDU 642: Supervision and Instructional in K-12 Schools
- EDU 647: School Finance and Fiscal Affairs
- EDU 656: The Principalship
- EDU 657: Instructional Leadership
- EDU 658: School and Community Relations
- EDU 661: Research Methods in Education
- EDU 663: Comprehensive Examination
Principal Certification
Students must participate in a one-year internship (6 credits) with a mentor principal. The placement must be in a traditional, charter, or private K-12 school. Students are also expected to earn passing scores on the School Leaders Licensure Assessment. The principal certification curriculum consists of the following:
- EDU 659 Internship I (3 credits)
- EDU 660 Internship II (3 credits)
Principal (75) Traditional Route
- Holds a baccalaureate degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
- Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
- Provides verification of three years of relevant professional experience. For the purpose of this section, relevant professional experience is “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process.”
- Completes a Pennsylvania-approved, graduate-level principal certification program that includes an internship/practicum or an equivalent out-of-state program. A 3.0 program Grade Point Average (GPA) is required.
- Provides evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required test.
Principal (72) Alternative Route
- Holds a baccalaureate degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
- Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
- Provides verification of three years of relevant professional experience. For the purpose of this section, relevant professional experience is “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process.”
- Provides verification of an offer of employment as a principal, vice principal, or assistant principal from a Pennsylvania public school.
- Within two years of issuance, the Administrative Provisional I certificate holder must convert to the Administrative I (75) certification by either:
- Completing a Pennsylvania-approved, graduate-level principal certification program that includes an internship/practicum or an equivalent out-of-state program. A 3.0 program Grade Point Average (GPA) is required; and
- Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of school law and regulations by presenting evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required test.
- Providing proof of completion of a PDE-approved Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) Induction Program; and
- Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of school law and regulations by presenting evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required test.
Clearance Requirements
Students are required to maintain and provide state clearances as defined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) before matriculation.
- Federal Criminal History Record (FBI)
- Form PDE 6004: Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification Form
- Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
- Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Record
- Tuberculosis (TB) Test Documentation
Admission Requirements
- Submit a free online application.
- Transcripts: Submit official transcripts for all accredited institutions you have attended and/or from which you earned credit.
- Personal Statement: In 300-500 words, address future goals based on the selected graduate program.
- Letters of Recommendation: Submit two (2) professional letters of recommendation speaking to your character and motivation to work in the education field.
- Résumé: A current professional résumé is required.
- Current Instructional I Certificate (Certification Track Only)
You are strongly encouraged to upload your supplemental documents to your student portal. You may also email documents to or mail to:
Lincoln University
School of Adult and Continuing Education
Attention: Office of Admissions
3020 Market Street, Fourth Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Transfer Credits
The MED program will accept up to six graduate school credits in the field of Education from an accredited institution, providing each course is completed with a GPA of 3.0 or above.
Tuition and Fees
Lincoln University’s tuition and fees are set annually by the university and remain affordable and competitive.
- Pennsylvania Resident: $567 per credit hour
- Out-of-State Resident: $949 per credit hour
Learn more about tuition and fees online.
Discover federal and state financial aid options that may be available online.
Career Opportunities
- Principal/Assistant Principal-
the leader of a school community, responsible for its overall operation, and serving as the educational leader of the school
Educational Consultant: Education consultants are independent contractors who may find short- or long-term assignments with government agencies, private schools, charter schools, public school districts, or various types of education-related companies.
- Adjunct Professor: An adjunct professor is a part-time professor who is hired on a contractual basis. Most institutions of higher learning hire adjuncts to teach in their various departments.
- Coach: Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the present rather than the past or future. Not only are there traditional coaches, such as in athletics, but there are coaches that support nearly every function that one encounters. Examples include life coach, personal coach, leadership coach, executive coach.
- Corporate Trainer: Training other professionals in a business setting is a way to use your presentation, communication, and leadership skills.
- Event Planner: If you are a born planner and love coordinating experiences and projects, you can help make people dream for amazing, memorable events come true. Weddings, business conferences, and product launches are just a few types of events that you might help plan and coordinate.
- Sales Manager: Sales professionals drive the revenue that helps businesses meet their growth objectives. Professionals with the right skills and educational background are aggressively pursued by organizations in every industry.
- General Management: General management entails complete responsibility, including profit and loss accountability, for the performance of an entire business or a business unit. A general manager can be the key leader of a company or the head of a division or department within a larger business. They oversee individuals in charge of various areas and coordinate their activities for the good of the company.
- Director of Education (Private Schools/Preschools/Non-Traditional Settings): Education directors choose and implement their school or organization’s curricula. They work in schools, colleges, art museums, businesses, and nonprofit organizations
- Engagement Officer: Engagement officers typically work in the Office of Institutional Advancement for an institution. Fundraising is the primary goal in this role.
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